
Freebies for Developers

Freebies for Developers

I have built my first websites on free hosting services like GeoCities and Tripod. I like to apply what I learned instantly and the main purpose of these kind of free services is providing an environment to try our new skills.

Here is a curated list of freebies for developers.

In general, they limit their target area to students but you can be a student at any age. Life-long learning is our motto of life right? After all those engineering bachelor and master’s, I am still a student of photography and cameraman.

Github Student Pack

You can access to this package on address and I think it is the most comprehensive one. The list is changing with the time but it still has a wide range of products. I suggest you to try all of them.

Microsoft Imagine (previously Dreamspark)

You can see the full product catalog on website. It is for generally Microsoft products with a range from tutorials to operating systems.


This was in the Github Student Pack list before. Now, you can through their webpage on link. If you are a strudent then you can get a JetBrains certificate for every usefull product of JetBrains like ReSharper and WebStorm.

Heroku is older than our modern cloud services. You can create your serverless web applications on their free tier services and by using free add-on on begining level. So that is ideal for development.


I saw first on Django Girls Tutorial and I loved it. As you can understand from their name, their main purpose is to provide phyton hosting to anyone who wants it.


If you have a javascript project on Github, the size does not matter, you can publish it thorugh the free DNS service of to have a nice domain name. One of the popular javascript libraries that are published like this is

Photo by Tirza van Dijk on Unsplash

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