A Clockwork Engineer

Attributes and Annotations of Testing Frameworks

Frequently used attribute and annotations in various testing frameworks

It is called attributes in the .NET environment and annotations in Java. We use them to declare information about methods, types, properties and so on.

We will discuss about frequently used ones to run test scenarious properly. You would find comparisons of NUnit, MSTest, xUnit.net and JUnit testing frameworks down below.

You could find very comprehensive tutorials on Guru99 website.

NUnit MSTest xUnit.net JUnit Description
[TestFixture] [TestClass] - - Indicates that the class has test methods.
[Test] [TestMethod] [Fact] @Test Marks a test case.
[OneTimeSetUp] [ClassInitialize] IClassFixture @BeforeClass The one time triggered method before test cases start.
[OneTimeTearDown] [ClassCleanup] IClassFixture @AfterClass The one time triggered method after test cases end.
[SetUp] [TestInitialize] Constructor @Before Triggered before every test case.
[TearDown] [TestCleanup] IDisposable.Dispose @After Triggered after every test case.
[Ignore] [Ignore] [Fact(Skip=”reason”)] @Ignore Ignores the test case.
[Category(“”)] [TestCategory(“”)] [Trait(“Category”, “”)] @Category(*.class) Categorizes the test cases or classes.

Copy Database with Backup on SQL Management Studio

We can get a copy of any database with Backup and Restore commands in SQL Server Management Studio but there are a few tricks which makes our life easier.

First of all, it must be a full backup because a differential backup would be useless.

We can not restore a database to another one. If you just want to change the name of the database, you can easily give a new name at the restore process.